MassChrom® Free Metanephrines in Plasma with 96 SPE Well Plate
Order no.: 81000
2 x 96 Tests - 3-Methoxytyramine
- Metanephrine
- Normetanephrine
6PLUS1® Multilevel Calibrator Set and MassCheck® controls based on human plasma
Isotopically labelled internal standard for each analyte
Fully automated workflow solution available
MassChrom® Free Metanephrines in Plasma
With 96 SPE Well Plates, suitable for manual and automated sample preparation
For 2 x 96 determinations
Clinical relevance
This kit allows the quantitative determination of metanephrine, normetanephrine and 3-methoxytyramine in plasma by LC-MS/MS.
One typical application for this kit is the analysis of patient samples with a suspicion of pheochromocytomas. These tumours and other neural crest tumours (e.g. paragangliomas and neuroblastomas) secrete metanephrine, normetanephrine and 3-methoxytyramine. The plasma free metanephrines are more stable and secreted more evenly than catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine). Some studies show that the analysis of plasma free metanephrines has the highest sensitivity and specificity in pheochromocytoma diagnostics compared to plasma free catecholamines and metanephrines in urine.
Product advantages
- 6PLUS1® Multilevel Calibrator Set and MassCheck® controls based on human plasma
- Simple sample prep in just a few steps
- Chromatographic separation of analytes – no co-elution
- Isotopically labelled internal standards for all analytes
- Fully automated workflow solution available
This kit encompasses all required components and allows a simple and fast sample preparation: solid phase extraction (SPE) without equilibration/conditioning steps, analyte enrichment without evaporation step, only one elution step. The analytes are chromatographically separated to avoid co-elution and to minimise risks of interferences. The use of stable isotope-labelled internal standards for every single analyte ensures reproducible and reliable quantification. The 6PLUS1® Multilevel Plasma Calibrator Set and MassCheck® controls ensure high precision of results. They are obtained from human plasma to minimise matrix-induced differences.
A fully automated workflow solution is also available.
Alternatively, there is also a method available using Sample Clean Up Columns (81000/C).
Method of Analysis
LC-MS/MS Number of Tests
2 x 96 Parameter
3-Methoxytyramine, Metanephrine, Normetanephrine Analysis Time
5 min Limit of quantification
Metanephrine: 15 ng/l
Normetanephrine: 7 ng/l
3-Methoxytyramine: 11 ng/l
Metanephrine: up to 5650 ng/l
Normetanephrine: up to 8500 ng/l
3-Methoxytyramine: up to 5800 ng/l
89–100 % Intraassay
CV = 2.7–6.9 % Interassay
CV = 3.3–8.6 % Gradient
Binary Specimen
Plasma Sample Preparation
- Pipette 500 µl Dilution Buffer and 25 µl Internal Standard Mix into each well of the 96 SPE Well Plate.
- Add 500 µl of the sample/calibrator/MassCheck® control, centrifuge, discard effluent.
- Add 0.9 ml Wash Buffer 1, centrifuge, discard effluent.
- Add 2 x 0.9 ml Wash Buffer 2, centrifuge, discard effluent.
- Add 250 µl Elution Buffer into each well and centrifuge.
- Inject up to 25 µl.
Injection Volume
≤ 25 µl Ionisation
ESI positive MS/MS-Mode
MRM Please note
The freely available information on this website, in particular on the sample preparation, are not sufficient to work with our products. Please read instructions and warning notices on products and/or instruction manuals. KIT COMPONENTS
Components available separately
Mobile Phase A
Order no.: 81001
Mobile Phase B
Order no.: 81002
Dilution Buffer
Order no.: 81003
Internal Standard Mix
Order no.: 81004
Wash Buffer 1
Order no.: 81005
Wash Buffer 2
Order no.: 81006
Elution Buffer
Order no.: 81007
Rinsing Solution
Order no.: 81009
96 SPE Well Plate
Order no.: 81057
Collection Plates
Order no.: 81058
Pierceable adhesive seals for 96 Well Plates
Order no.: 81059
Analytical Column
Order no.: 81100
Tuning Mix Free Metanephrines in Plasma
Order no.: 81015
System Check Solution
Order no.: 81010
Waste Plates
Order no.: 81056
Stainless steel prefilter housing
Order no.: 15070
Stainless steel prefilter - 0.5 µm
Order no.: 15071
Calibrators available separately
6PLUS1® Multilevel Plasma Calibrator Set Free Metanephrines
Order no.: 81039
Controls available separately
MassCheck® Free Metanephrines Plasma Controls